
‘We progress social justice through working with Muslims and allies to co-create projects, resources and events that uplift multiply marginalised groups and challenge harmful narratives’

We are on a mission to redefine what it means to be a leader: of your identity, your community, and of your world. We work with marginalised individuals and communities to co-create cultural projects, campaigns and events that affirm their identities, share their stories and allow them to reclaim their power. Rooted in intersectionality, lived experience and solidarity, our work aims to produce counter narratives that challenge the long-standing prejudices that continually shape the lives of multiply oppressed people in the UK. We aim to challenge all forms of structural oppression to benefit the community, in particular working with Muslims and their allies to broadly challenge Islamophobia, racism, misogyny, ableism and queerphobia.

Our values.

Safety First: We prioritise the mental, physical and socio-economic safety of the individuals, communities and staff that we work with, so that we continually safeguard all those involved.

Justice For All: We counter the impacts of oppressive structures so that everyone can enjoy the human rights, dignity and fulfilment that they deserve.

Eradicate Elitism: We democratise access to opportunities, spaces, knowledge and power so that every individual is respected as a leader and expert in their own right.

Empower Authenticity: We harness the strength of lived experience, intersectionality and celebration so that everyone has the power to live and thrive authentically.

Copyright © 2023 Muslim Social Justice Initiative

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